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      安徽工程大學在職研究生 安徽工程大學在職研究生聯系電話




      近幾年來,計算機與信息學院依托“計算機應用技術”和“軟件工程”碩士點的建設,已建有“機器視覺與智能控制”、“云計算與大數據”、“計算機網絡與嵌入式系統”、“機器智能與模式識別”、“軟件技術與服務”等5個研究室。在科研方面已形成獨具特色、相對穩定的研究方向。申報各類科研項目共30余項;發表了近300 篇相關學術論文,編寫20余部教材。通過學科方向的調整,學科團隊的建設,彰顯出學科的特色,提升了計算機與信息學院科研的層次和承接產、學、研項目開發的能力。



      The School of Computer and Information was formerly the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. It established the major of “Computer Application”and started to admit junior college students to the major in 1992. In 1995, it started to admit students to its undergraduate program of Computer Science and Technology, and from 2000 to 2002 it was approved to start enrolling students to its Information and Computation Science Undergraduate Program and Information Management and Information System Undergraduate Program. In 2012,2013 and 2018, it started to admit students to its undergraduate program of Software Engineering,The Internet of Things and Data Science and Big Data Technology. Approved by the Ministry of Education, it started the master program of Computer Application Technology in 2006 and also received the first level Master’s degree in Software Engineering in 2018.The school seized the opportunities in different historical stages and maintained a good momentum of development in areas including teaching and research, discipline construction and talent cultivation, and has formed distinctive features of its own.

      Currently, there is a basic education division, a laboratory center, a Research Institute of Computer Application Technology,a Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Institute and three departments(Computer Science and Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Management Engineering). There are 93% full-time faculty members have a master or PhD degree. Also, the school provides computer foundation courses for the whole university.

      In recent years, while building up the master program of“Computer Application Technology”, the school has set up 5 research laboratories (Lab of machine vision and intelligent control, Lab of cloud computing and big data, Lab of computer network and embedded system,Lab of machine intelligence and pattern recognition, Lab of software technology and services). Faculty members in the schoolhave declared more than 30 research projects, published nearly 300 related academic papers and written and compiled more than 20 textbooks. Through adjustment and discipline construction, the school has highlighted its own features, enhanced its level of research and its ability of developing programs that combines teaching, research and industrial practice.

      The school adheres to its guiding principles that the school should provide high-quality education with its own feature, and set up curriculums guided by the demand of the society. Based on these principles, the school strengthened its management, deepened reform and comprehensively improved it quality of teaching. It has declared more than 30 projects of “quality projects” of various kinds, and gained more than 10 awards for outstanding teaching achievements at both provincial and university levels.

      The school continues to improve its talent training system. After extensive research and absorbing the experience of curriculum setting and undergraduate education of related peer institutes and universities, the school has formulated an undergraduate cultivation plan which goes in accordance with the reality of the school and the demand of the society, and aims at cultivating the comprehensive qualities and abilities of undergraduate students. It also gradually improved and implemented a class teaching evaluation scheme to improve the quality of teaching. The students have achieved gratifying results in scientific research and innovation, winning about 100 provincial and state-level awards. In recent years, the employment rate of school graduates has remained at above 95%.

      專業方向 所屬專業 學院 類型 班型 學制 學費 報名狀態
      計算機技術 計算機科學與技術 計算機與信息學院 <同等學力 周末班 2年 2.90萬 報名中
      生物與醫藥 工程 計算機與信息學院 <專業碩士 周末班 3年 2.40萬 報名中
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